the official jester website !!11!!!

  • : the about me section .
  • this is my first time ever making a real website using html! i used readymag awhile back and they let you insert a script but when you acutally publish the website the script doesnt work, which is just plain out stupid, (meaning the website counter i used wouldnt even work, it literally wouldn't even show up..)

    uh my discord is jeste.r (i fucking hate the gaw dam username system now its so retarded, and the thing is people who chose to not change their user and keep the tag you CANT EVEN FRIEND so if they were to ask a friend to friend them, they couldn't)

    we swag terraria

    i realized that for some reason on mobile when you visit the site the font i used for the site (comic sans ms) does not work, i have no reason why. this website is heavily broken on mobile and is still a work in progress, expect bugs.

    also there is supposed to be music playing some devices will not play it due to privacy reasons etc, i will be working on a built in audio player for those devices.

  • : debugging.
  • here are my socials:

  • stuff about my terraria world: terraria world.
  • graphic design is my passion

    every day i change the quote, todays quote is:

    life is like ass hairs, its short, and full of shit.

    hope you enjoyed 𝓳𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻𝓼 website!

    web page counter

    hi zac

    the website hit count is fake, the real visit count is around 940.